Day 16- Leaving Africa...

Sept 19th 2009- This trip was designed to go to Africa and report on the current events and that is exactly what we did. But there was so much more to it. From The rich wildlife to the colorful cities the trip will leave a great impression on our lives... and wallets. We should be getting home late afternoon on Sunday, just in time to report for The Daily Neg!

Day 15- Solar Power

Sept 18 2009- On our final day in Tunisia we drove around the cities of Tunis and Carthage. While driving around we noticed that many buildings in Tunis use Solar Panels to collect power. This is beneficial to the health of the city along with the environment of the entire world. Th city of Tunis is like a flower in a desert and I cannot wait to go back!

Day 14- Byrsa Hill

Sept 17th 2009- Tunisia is heavenly. After our first night at the Villa Didon we feel a much needed refreshment. Today we went to Byrsa Hill to see the Punic Ruins left by the Roman Empire. The view from the hills are stunning. The buildings that used to stand here must have been spectacular. This is one of the most beautiful points of our trip.

Day 13- A Night In Tunisia

Seot 16th 2009- At touch down we pick up our Renault Clio Compact and go to the hotel. We arrived at the Villa Didon early Wednesday afternoon. For our final nights in Africa we rented a much nicer hotel room, despite the price it still fits into the budget.

Day 12- Leaving Uganda

After residing in the hotel for a few extra hours we departed to our final location, Tunisia. This will be worse than usual because of all the lay overs and flight transfers, but we will be living the life of luxury in Tunisia...

Day 11- Garamba Forest

Sept 11th 2009- While driving around Uganda today, we heard many people and officers speak about Joseph Kony and the UDPFs attempts at stopping the Lord's Resistance Army. When the spoke, you could see the fear in their eyes. That night we researched the happenings going on in the Garamba Forest. The UDPF attempted to kill Joseoh Kony but failed and he still remains taking refuge in the forest. After hearing this we quickly returned to the safety of out hotel until the next day...

Day 10- Murchison Falls National Park

Sept13th 2009- We woke ourselves up REALLY early at 5:00am and took a 3 hour drive to Murchison Falls National Park. The beautiful National park is divided by the Nile River and is named after the 43m waterfall at the rift Valley. The rare Shoebill Stork thrives in the National Park and is very impressive to see in person. While driving around the Park, there were many animals associated with Africa such as the elephant, buffalo, giraffe, antelope, and zebra. The park is the picture perfect Africa many people visualize.

Day 9- Entebbe, Uganda!

Sept 12 2009- After the most uncomfortable night of our lives in the terminal, we quickly pick up the car(Toyota Prado 2.8 with air conditioning!) From that point we drove to the Executive Airport Hotel and slept....zzz....

Day 8- On the road to Uganda

Sept 8th 2009- We booked a late flight for today, so we are just chillin in the hotel room and Radama until our 2:45pm flight to Uganda. We'll spend the night in the JNB airport for the layover and then take the 4 hour flight into Entebbe, Uganda!

Day 7- Antananarivo

Sept 10th 2009- Today we went to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. Out of our time spent touring the city we saw several protesters protesting the new President Rajoelina. Due to the fact that he is not old enough to be president, the people of Madagascar are not recognizing him as a leader. This has caused Madagascar its spot in the African Union and title of a state. This story is a definate article for The Daily Neg! Aside from the protests, it is a beautiful city appearing to be growing out of the rich land of Madagascar.

Day 6- The Tsimbazaza Zoo

Sept 9th 2009- There are so many animals specially adapted to Africa's subcontinent Madagascar. The zoo is a fantastic tourist site and we will write about it in our scrapbook. The zoo has many places were you can interact with the animals. We even got to hand feed the Lemurs, which are small primates only found in Madagascar. Another rare organism indigenous to Madagascar is the Baobab tree. They are known for their very large trunk, size, and age. The Tsimbazaza Zoo is a must see!

Day 5- Madagascar!

Sept 8th 2009- Today we are just traveling. We are leaving from Cape Town Intl Airport at 6:00am and should arrivive in Antananarivo, Madagascar by 1:40pm. After that we are checking in to our next hotel, Radama. I can't wait to see all the unique wildlife.

Day4- Robbin Island

Sept 7th 2009- For our full day spent in South Africa we went to Robbins Island to see Nelson Mandela's cell. After a short boat ride, we arrived on the island and it was stunningly beautiful. One of the reasons we went there was to honor his efforts he put forth to end the apartheid. The cell is small and dirty and he did not deserved to be held here. It cost $15.63 to see it and it was defiantly worth it!

Day 3- "Africa!" -Toto

Sept 6th 2009- After our final 12 hour flight we landed in Capetown International Airport ready to explore Africa. After a quick taxi ride we made it to The Capetonian Hotel with little time to unpack for we had a bunch of jackasses to meet. Jackass Penguins that is! We walked through the town and went down to boulder beach. There were many penguins there and it was a real sight to see.

Day 2- Heathrow ...

Sept 5th 2009- I'm crashing in the Heathrow airport, trying to stay awake until the flight to Capetown. The airport is extremely busy with so many flights going in and out. I've never flown much before and I experienced major jet lag. With the 11 hour layover we are going to shop around in the airport, with our budget in mind, and mentally prepare ourselves for the journey ahead.

Day 1- The Adventure Begins!

Sept 4th 2009- The airport taxi picked us up from The Dialy Neg headquarters at about 9:00 to head out to the airport. We depart from Newark at 10:10pm and should get to Heathrow airport by next morning, plenty of time for my beauty sleep!

Sept 3rd- Day before Takeoff!

After months of planning, our traveling arrangements are in order and we are ready to venture into Africa. Kenny and myself are investigative reporters for The Daily Neg. With our limit of 10,000 dollars this should be both very informative and fun!